
About Second Chance Vets

Second Chance Vets was established by Kevin O’Brien, the founder of Veteran Recruiting and Vince Hagan, a service connected disabled veteran and owner of Combined Patriot Services. As the labor market continues to tighten month by month, and some companies facing challenges in sourcing the necessary talent to foster business growth, we recognized a consistently overlooked demographic brimming with potential.

We acknowledge that not all offenses are equal, and individuals with criminal records vary in their backgrounds and circumstances. Nevertheless, in the context of employment, individuals with a criminal history are often unfairly lumped together. Second Chance Vets is dedicated to dismantling the barriers to employment for veterans who have a criminal record and, in parallel, to enlightening employers about the potential benefits of hiring individuals with a criminal history for their organizations.

Through the Veteran Recruitment Center, we will facilitate multiple online job fairs, uniting our thoroughly vetted job seekers with recruiters from our expanding roster of partners. We firmly believe that by initiating a dialogue, both sides will swiftly discover mutually advantageous opportunities that provide a helping hand to veterans while assisting companies in identifying and hiring high-quality talent to meet their business needs.